Today is United Nations Day, which marks the anniversary of when the UN Charter was entered into force in 1945.
“For 76 years, the United Nations has been successful in tackling important issues from gender equality and human rights to climate change and more,” said Zonta International President Sharon Langenbeck. “As a longtime partner, Zonta International is proud to celebrate the UN’s anniversary.”
Zonta has cooperated with the UN since its founding in 1945 and was granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1969. Past Zonta International President Helvi Sipilä, the first woman assistant secretary-general of the UN, served as secretary general for the First World Conference on Women in 1975 in Mexico and went on to spearhead the establishment of UNIFEM, now UN Women.
Zonta International also contributes to projects organized by UN agencies. Zonta is currently partnering with UNICEF USA and UNFPA for its international service projects to improve the health and protection of adolescent girls in Peru, combat violence against women and girls in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste, provide education opportunities to children in Madagascar, and end child marriage in 12 countries. Click here to read our International Service Project History to see the wide range of projects we have supported with UN Women, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, UNIDO and UNESCO.
On Thursday, 21 October, the UN Day Concert was held under the theme “Building Back Together for Peace and Prosperity.” The performance is available to watch on UN Web TV (, the UN Channel on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
24 OCTOBER 2021