The program

 Friday 6.10.2023

Side-trip to Orthodox Monasteries in Heinävesi if you have a chance to arrive earlier to Varkaus;

13.00  Departure from Hotel Oscar towards Heinävesi (bustrip 60 kms) We experience Taipale Channel and Karvio Channel along the way.

14.00 Arrival to Valamo Monastery where the guide awaits us. We have a chance to  learn the past and present of the Monastery daily life, do some shopping in monastery shop and enjoy coffee/tea in the end of the tour.

16.00 Departure to Lintula Monastery (about 20 minutes by bus) One more waterway Varistaival Channel with narrow bridge on the way.

16.30  Arrival to Lintula Monastery, where we meet our guide. We have a guided tour and visit to monastery shop.

17.30  Departure towards Varkaus

18.30 Arrival to Hotel Oscar 

Price for the side-trip is 50 Eur/person including transportation by the chartered bus, guided visits to monasteries, coffee-break. You may book the tour together with registration to District Conference!

Happens at the same time in Hotel Oscar:

16.00 – 19.00 Sign up to the conference in the lobby of Hotel Oscar
17.00 – 19.00 District Board’s meeting
19.30 Dinner buffet in  Hotels Oscar’s Pub

Saturday 7.10.2023
Warkaus -sali

07.00 Sign up to the District Conference Warkaus -sali lobby
07.30 Delegate info in Warkaus -sali, the candidates’ introduction
Zonta Market opens in Warkaus -sali lobby
08.30 Opening of the District Conference in ”Warkaus-sali”
09.00 The 52. District Conference begins
10.30 Break with some exercise
10.45 Meeting continues
12.00 Lunch and Election, Zonta Market
13.00 Meeting continues
14.00 Coffee break, Zonta Market
14.30 Meeting continues including Liaison’s and Katri Leppälaakso’s speeches
16.00 Closing
16.15 Workshops 1 hour

19.00 Dinner in Varkaus-sali lobby (doors open 18.45)

We’ll hear speeches from the Scholarship winners, we’ll celebrate Zontian of the Year, we’ll enjoy lively music and many other memorable moments.

23.30 The Program ends


Sunday 8.10.2023

9.00  Memorial Service, Warkaus-sali
Lighting up candels for the ones passed away

9.30 Transport by charter bus from the church to the ”Museum” of Mechanical Music where we dive into the music and the world of instruments

11.15  Transportation by bus to Hotel Oscar

12.15 Closing seremony, Hotel Oscar

Passing forward the flags
Welcome to the District Conference in Jyväskylä 2024

About 12.30 Lunch (not included in fees, own cost)

District Board meeting

Accommodation in Varkaus during District Conference

Adjacent to our conference location is Hotel Oscar, address Kauppatori 4, 78250 Varkaus. Reservations with ”password” Zonta either by phone +358 (0) 293 200 525 or email .

The hotel is connected by corridor to our Conference location Warkaus-sali.

Hotel Oscar room-rates for us:

Economy 99 €/sgl 109 /dbl
Eco Plus 104 €/sgl 114 €/dbl
Prime Guest 109 €/sgl 119 €/dbl
Prime Family 109 €/sgl 119 €/dbl 30 €/per extra pax
Prime Plus sauna 124 €/sgl 134 €/dbl 30 €/per extra pax
Prime Superior 124 €/sgl 134 €/dbl 30 €/per extra pax
Prime Suite 154 €/sgl 164 €/dbl 30 €/per extra pax
The room-rate includes breakfast, fitness room usage and sauna bath.

How to reach Varkaus? Varkaus is located in the crossing of main roads nbr 5 and 23. There are several bus and rail connections. Train timetables you’ll find and long-distance buses .

If you travel by train, there’s always a train change in Pieksämäki railway-station.

On Sunday Oct. 8th there is no transportation from Varkaus to Pieksämäki by public services. We have arranged the transportation by shuttle bus with following departures:

  1. Departure from Hotel Oscar 11.25 , driving time to Pieksämäki railway-station 35-40 minutes, fare 15 Euros/person. There are multiple departures from Pieksämäki to south, west and north by train. You can book this transfer at the same time with registration.
  2. Departure from Hotel Oscar 14.30, driving time to Pieksämäki 35-40 minutes, fare 15 Euros/person. There are multiple departure from Pieksämäki to south, west and north by train. You can book this transfer at the same time with registration.

You will get more information about the region of Varkaus by clicking this VisitVarkaus link.