Hyväntekeväisyyskirpputori Lyseolla Ukrainan hyväksi

The war in Ukraine has been devastating and shocking news has reached the world. Ukrainians need help in many ways. People suffering from the consequences of war were in our minds when Zonta Club of Kuopio1 together with the local Kuopio Lyseo IB students organized a flea market for fundraising.

Our donation has been sent to our contacts who arrange professional training for treatment of war trauma in Ukraine. Daily online therapy sessions are also hold for people suffering from war trauma. We hope our contribution will help in teaching of psychologists and psychotherapists as well as increasing the number of therapy sessions.

Kiitos kaikille teille, jotka olitte ostoksia tekemällä kasvattamassa tulostamme ja mahdollistamassa lahjoitustamme sotatraumojen hoitoon ja terapeuttien koulutukseen Ukrainassa.

Marja Meurman,
The President of Zonta Club of Kuopio 1 in Finland